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Sep 24, 2008

with Prince Handley


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My goal is to define the parameters in which you can be healed scripturally, and live in health ... and then you can help others do the same!
-- Prince Handley
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The Holy Spirit is G-d’s agent on earth to supply the resurrection power of Messiah for your healing: He is present to supply TOTAL healing for the WHOLE person.



I want to talk to you today about TOTAL healing in your whole man: your whole being. G-d wants to heal you spiritually, mentally, physically, materially, socially, financially, in your associations and relationships, in your attitudes and your aptitudes: total healing for the whole person! This is what Yeshua purchased for you when He shed His BLOOD on the cross-stake: THE ATONEMENT, the Perfect Lamb of G-d who made the one time FINAL supreme sacrifice for the sins of the world.

Yeshua came – He was sent from G-d – to bring healing for the separation between G-d and man. When Adam sinned in the Garden, he brought separation between G-d and man, but Yeshua – the Lamb of G-d – G-d’s Son, the Messiah, brought healing for that separation. That’s why Yochanan (John the Baptist), when he was in the River Yarden (Jordan) administering the mikvah for purification of sins, and saw Yeshua in the crowd of people, said “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

Of course, he was referring to G-d’s Lamb, and associating that with that sacrifice during that first Passover in Mizraim (Egypt). The Children of Israel sacrificed the lamb and put the blood of the lamb upon the door and the death angel passed over the homes of ALL who did this. Friend, if you have the BLOOD of Messiah Yeshua upon the door of your heart by faith, the death angel will pass over you. The Angel of the LORD will protect you. You don’t have to be afraid of death because when you die, if you have Yeshua in your heart through faith, you will go straight to Heaven to be with the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

It’s amazing how medical science from time to time reveals the truth of scripture. There is a case cited by Dr. Keith Mano in his article titled, “The Bethsaida Miracle,” (National Review, April 21, 1997) concerning a man named Virgil, who was blind since childhood. After successful eye surgery, he could see; however, Virgil’s brain had trouble processing visual details into objects that were recognizable. His wife commented, “Virgil finally put a tree together; he now knows that the trunk and leaves go together to form a complete unit.”

Notice this, if you will read in the Brit Chadashah, in Mark Chapter 8, Yeshua placed His hands on a blind man – and then He asked the man, “What do you see?” The man said, “I see men as trees walking.” Then, Yeshua put his hands on the man again, and after that the man saw clearly. This miracle reflects an aspect of sight that was not understood until recently. Eyes may see, but the brain must also have the ability to assemble the visual images into something meaningful.

Only the Ruach ha Chodesh (the Holy Spirit) would have known that in those days; there was NO scientific evidence to bring that out. The Holy Spirit wrote the account of this miracle by inspiration through Mark. Mark (in his human knowledge) would NOT know that a newly restored sight would see men as trees walking. And, without the medical knowledge of that day, nobody could have written that account like that. Only the spirit of G-d knew those things: the same spirit of G-d that raised Yeshua from the dead!

It’s the same Spirit of G-d, the Ruach Elohim, that will minister the resurrection POWER of Messiah to you today: If you will trust Him. My friend, Yeshua loves you; He gave His own life for you. He came to heal the separation between G-d and man. And, my friend, the healing POWER of Messiah is available to you today. Call upon Him!

The Prophet Jeremiah gives us a PROMISE from the LORD: “Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which thou do NOT know.” (Tanakh: Jeremiah 33:3)

The POWER of the LORD is present to heal you today, my friend: spiritually, mentally, physically, materially, socially, and in every other way, shape, or form.

Today is the day of your deliverance!


Podcast time: 4 minutes, 59 seconds (with music)

Copyright 2008 Prince Handley
All rights reserved.


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